I, too, can see how labels can be helpful. If you share some common characteristics with others, you can self-identify with a group and find support. Like I do with unschoolers and Attachment Parents and Vegetarians. Also, services can be offered to a group of people for faster and for less money to groups with common characteristics.
Of course, labels have their drawbacks too.
A friend of mine recently made a comment that really stuck with me. She was talking about her experience in being labelled by others. She said, "I don't usually think about (my label). I just walk around, living my life and in my daily life, (my label) doesn't define me." I thought, how true! Most of us fit into many labels but we don't make decisions about our lives based on whether or not our choices fit with the perceptions behind those labels. We just make decisions based on who we are and what works for us.
I think labels cause damage when the people being labelled have to fight for control over the perception of their label. I am blessed with some really lovely people in my life, some of whom happen to be gay and lesbian. Every once in a while, there will be a media spotlight on GLBT issues and watching some reactions from the public makes me think how hurtful this label can be when it's used by people to judge in ignorant or hateful ways. The GLBT community has worked steadily to remove the stigma and hopefully one day it will be a non-issue for people, just a descriptor word instead of the heavy label it can still be today in Canada.
I think that labels can be most hurtful and harmful when the people being labelled are vulnerable and impressionable. They are powerless to influence the perception of their label and may even be conditioned to believe they embody the negative perceptions of their label. Some parents are wonderful advocates for their children who are labeled, changing society's perceptions and understandings. Other parents fight the labelling process altogether, believing the downsides of the label are more harmful than the potential benefits.
Parenting is a challenge and no one understands this more than parents with children who are "labelled" at a young age. A label on a child is essentially a label the parent carries too; for better or for worse. So to all of the moms and dads of labelled children who have found We Learn Naturally, welcome. We know you are here because you have a larger vision of who your child could be. We are all bigger than our labels. This organization was created with your kids in mind.