This post was written by Chelsea Bohnert, the newest member of the We Learn Naturally family. Chelsea will be a facilitator at The Barn School and future director of DiverseCity School in Central Hamilton (2020). We welcome Chelsea with much love and enthusiasm!
in our Calling: The Earlier the Better
many times growing up did you hear the ever common question, “What do YOU want
to be when you grow up?” Countless, I’m sure. Coming from teachers, relatives,
or peers with nothing but good intentions rooted in encouragement and of course
a desire to motivate success.
good intentions don’t always have the most positive implications and that is
certainly the case for this overused question. Here’s the thing. I actually
loved being asked that question. In fact, I have probably asked and answered that
question to myself, at least 1000 times! I’ve obsessed over that stupid
question, and strived for the answer (and changed my answer) most of my young
life. I’ve wanted to be….
a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a dentist (and yes at some point for me each of
these were actually true) but most of all, no matter what the career choice, I
wanted to be successful! Successful… I desperately wanted to be successful, and
while most would conclude that to be a good thing, the problem was in how I
defined success. How do you define it?
if we go back to the, oh-so familiar “what do you want to be…” question, it is
obvious that many of us define success by what we are to “become” as adults.
What career we have, who we marry, where we travel, what we own, and the list
goes on…and on………and on. So much emphasis is placed on this supposed end
result. That everything we do in our childhood, adolescence and young adulthood
will culminate to the final moment when we ascertain “success”.
of us buy into this gimmick of success more than others, but to be honest the
outcome is no better for the ones chasing the illusion than for those who don’t
have any hope of achieving this externally measured “success”. It’s so sad
really. That so many people will let the belief that success is measured this
way prevent them from stepping into their true calling, whatever it may be.
While others, like me, waste so much time trying to become successful that we
too can miss out on what our calling is.
me, true success is just that. Growing into our calling and living in that
calling as it evolves and changes through life. There is no end. It cannot be
attained simply by purchasing it or by earning it through a degree or a
promotion. And while it may very well include the attainment of these things,
we fulfill our calling when we find inner peace and are in love with how we are
living each day as humans, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
am so very grateful for the experiences in my life and the way they have shaped
me. Today, I can finally say that I have stepped into my calling as a woman,
mother, wife and teacher, and that I feel far greater success than I could have
ever imagined. The success that I am feeling has nothing to do with money, what
I own, where I travel, my physical appearance, or who I know and who knows me.
Instead, it has everything to do with the fact that I have finally stopped
measuring success externally and recognize that everything I am meant to offer
the world has been inside of me the whole time!
this what we should be teaching little humans right from the get go? As they
come to us for guidance and wisdom, shouldn’t we replace “What do you want to
be when you grow up?” with, “WHO do you want to be RIGHT NOW?” I believe it is our duty as parents,
caregivers, and teachers, to empower children to believe in themselves and to step
into their callings from as early on as possible.
of telling kids what to think and learn or what they should work towards, we
need to begin asking different questions. What makes you smile? Who do you look
up to and why? What things would you change about our world if the choice was
yours? What are you curious about? What do you really like about yourself? What
things about yourself do you want to work on?
young people are being regularly asked questions like these, success is
inevitable--true success, not the illusionary type.
to grow. Support to learn. Nurturance to become.
We Learn Naturally’s mission capture every last sentiment of my post and more?
I feel honoured, blessed, and scream-from-a-mountain-top excited, to be
welcomed by such an incredible organization and to become a part of The Barn
School! After years of searching,
learning and growing personally, I am so ready to live in my calling. To foster
connections and join young people on their journey of self-discovery so they
too, can step into who they are called to be….the earlier the better!
Learn more about Chelsea's passions by checking out her website